When you get together with your relatives this holiday season, you may decide to avoid topics like politics and religion. To keep the peace, this is probably a good idea. But there’s one difficult topic that you might not want to avoid: estate planning. Although...
Estate planning is essential for all couples, and this includes same sex couples. Now that same sex marriage is recognized throughout the U.S., some estate planning aspects have been simplified. However, there are still issues that must be considered. Same Sex Couples...
Your digital estate might be bigger than you realize. As computers and the internet have become an increasingly important part of everyday life, digital estate planning has also become more important. If you haven’t given any thought to your digital estate planning,...
Estate planning is essential for all adults. Regardless of the size of your estate, estate planning lets you decide what will happen to your property. It gives you the tools needed to avoid problems down the line and to provide for your loved ones. Here’s why estate...
You know you need an estate plan. You’re a little fuzzier on the details. You’re not sure what needs to go in your estate plan, only that it’s vital not to forget anything. To help, here’s an estate planning checklist that outlines the most considerations that may...
You’re ready to start your estate planning. Great. That’s a smart decision that will help protect you, your legacy and your family. Now you need to find an estate planning law firm. You don’t want to go with just any law firm, however. You need one with the right...